So did the divine right of kings. To me she was the embodiment of my existence as resistance. "In contexts where your energies have to be focused on survival, it doesnt leave a lot of energy for overt forms of complaintyoure spending a lot of energy just trying to hold it together. And there are so many silences to be broken.". 330 Ellis St., San Francisco, CA 94102 | Menu. And the Yale Center for Faith and Culture conducted a three-year study of joy and its connection to the good life. But isn't difficulty, suffering, hardshiparen't these necessary conditions for joy to even take place? We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words., Where there is power, there is resistance., It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end., People get used to anything. Professor Jennings, it's great to have you with us. Joy Is An Act of Resistance By Delonte Gholston, Contributor Pastor, Artist, Organizer Jun 23, 2017, 11:54 AM EDT | Updated Jun 26, 2017 This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. The lizard brain is hungry, scared, angry, and horny. True pleasure is more restorative than simply vegging out in front of the TV. Skip to content ThePodcasts TheCollaborations TheSummit TheEdit TheHost TheLockdown Lists Willie, wonderful to have a conversation with you about joy. I think there are artists, musicians, painters, and others who have shown that there's possibilities of living in being sustained by a form of joy that is not homogeneous, that is fully captured inside, if you willan expanding world of different people being brought together inside the sheer love of the music, for example. We uphold their memories as sacred before God. Their mission is to protect and support the dignity of marginalized individuals and communities. "You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. And those who are doing the speaking, never imagining that this in fact would be the sign. I'm Evan Rosa with the Yale Center for Faith & Culture. And we'll be back with more next week. This month, people from across GLIDEs community are responding to the following question:When you think of the role of women in the advancement of social justice and resistance to oppression, who comes to mind as an inspiration?. 2018. Join our email list for theological and cultural commentary, educational resources, and more. The suggestion that Juliet will "give" her "bounty" to Romeo is the most explicitly erotic moment in their conversation . You have to have people who have been able to make you laugh in the places where all you want to do is cry. John Keats Your success and happiness lies in you. The feeling that you get when you have told the right story to the right person at the right time is nirvana. In Trinidad, the British banned drumming. Research shows that small bursts of positive emotion can help reset the bodys physical responses to stress, so that people can continue to fight from a place of wellbeing and strength. We can do without pleasure,but not delight. I have no earthly idea how it happened. Hallelujah. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. We are proud to share this second installment of reflections in our Womens History Month series honoring womens roles in resisting oppression and advancing social justice. Weve seen how joy restores, unifies, and propels. Joy is an Act of Resistance Chapter Leadership Brief 2.10.2023. Dr. Carter G. Woodson, with funding from several philanthropic foundations, told the story of African American history and the largely overlooked achievements of Black Americans which were not available to the public. When you think about why everyone should celebrate Black History month and why rewriting history to exclude the African American's place in it is so perfidious, its founder said it best, "If a race has no history, if it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated." "Secondary choices are always subordinate to a primary choice. Defined as the refusal to accept or comply with something, this year's theme of resistance can apply to so much..too much. Stepping back and taking in the Womens Marches around the world has almost been overwhelming. But here I'm wondering: if there is not a Christological intervention that the life of Jesus draws us toward, that brings an invitationthat the very form of joy and pleasure and contentment and comfort that you imagine in the enclosed space can actually be something far richer, far more beautiful, far more pleasurable in this new space, in which your joy is constituted with some of the very people who you imagine are a part of your despair, not a part of your joyor those who you imagine their joy that is absolutely in what they find enjoyable is absolutely foreign to what I would. $22. But, there's also the goodness of the joy that transcends, that reach us out, that includes the other people, and music is one of the spaces where that can happen. As in so many fields, burnout is a serious risk, especially because activist work is rarely well-compensated and because the strong sense of personal responsibility many activists feel makes it hard to take breaks. How can a truly free state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? The separation of the races geographically speaking, and not simply socially speaking. We're grateful that you're listening. In China under Mao, listening to the music of Beethoven was a crime. And that's what's key, the kind of mapping of joy that would be necessary to actually start to think about the reconstituting of a different reality of joy. "Oh, the Spirit's coming." 20 of the best book quotes from The Path of Least Resistance. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Hi Ingrid, I am a musician and Ive been creating music and performances that bring joy and also have an activist/educational component. Maya Angelou and Rosa Parks. We are a people that has born witness to and embodied the miraculous ability to dance on the head of the enemy of our souls and press on to create a future that we do not yet see, and to do it with defiant joy. AFP New York City Chapter Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback. He is the author of the Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race, as well as his most recent book After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging.Jennings' joy is not for the faint of heart, the fair-weather friend, or a life of ease. Protest is when I say I refuse to go along with this anymore. Miroslav Volf: What is joy for you as a theologian, as a church men, as a black man? We must walk a path of joy even against our doom. So when people. Folk or traditional music is typically condemned, such as in Nazi Germany, which targeted Jewish music. Fundraising is the vehicle a worthy cause utilizes to traverse obstacles which would otherwise prevent it from being heard. If you're new here, please hop onto my email list so I can send you weekly emails full of GIFs (and also podcasts, articles, and generally amusing cheerleading for . Miroslav Volf: So is this a way of singing Lord song in the strange land? Sojourner Truth, a suffragette, a fighter for womens rights during and after slavery time, said thefollowing: I will not allow the light of my life to be determined by the darkness around me. I find that quote to be so powerful for today, and for me. Celebratory joy creates unity on an emotional and a physical level, and a unified populace is harder to dominate. It's a parade of my Grandfather's wit, it is all the shit haircuts I've ever had. Rosa Parks stood up for her rightsshe actually didnt let the bus driver tell her what to do or abide by those rules and regulations about where she could sitshe fought for justice, and thats why African Americans are now able to sit in the front of the bus at this moment. She is a badass! They could see that people were attracted to the notion that joy is resistance, and the joy itself is powerful. Thank you so much for saying this. Wa-ching! And I think at another level, the work of joy becomes serious work, which I think in our contextand by our context, I mean in the Westthe work of joy in many ways is not fully the people's work. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. I can only imagine it must have been extraordinary to hear him speak. Mr. Lincoln also signed the Homestead Act that offered 100 acres of land for families who had the courage to settle the frontier and farm the . There IS hope!! To be Black and joyful despite and against all the odds is an act of resistance. I appreciate your feedback. - Sam Storms. Open Preview. And if you're not, please continue listening and engaging the content. Willie Jennings: Yeah, this is where I wonder out loud if the life of Jesus, a kind of Christological intervention, is what's necessary for us to re-conceive joy that opens us out rather than encloses. Rewind. Dancing was similarly reviled, and all types of celebration found themselves in the crosshairs of European colonists setting out to spread Christianity and civilization around the world. Black History Month, the creation and celebration of it, is such a cause and proof that a powerful story can change the world! $j("#connectPrompt").show(); In World War I, soldiers on both sides were known to cultivate gardens in the trenches. I began to realize this when I was studying animal celebrations. Evan Rosa: This is For the Life of the World, a podcast about seeking and living a life worthy of our humanity. Evan Rosa: For the Life of the World is a production of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture. Love the ones you claim. We're passionate about making this work consistently accessible to people who are genuinely concerned about the viability of faith in a world racked with division, contested views about what it means to be human, and what it means to live life well. Genres: Post-Punk, Post-Hardcore. There's also the Black Joy movement, sprouted alongside Black Lives Matter, which celebrates the happiness,. What was she doing? Its a mass movement. People who refuse to stop believing. Willie Jennings: Yeah. I suggest you look to some literary greats who not only captured the relevance and significance of the African American life but lived extraordinary experiences themselves like, Ida B. One of the goals of racism is to break your spirit by any means necessary. By Crystal Fields-Sam Chair IDEA Committee . Miroslav Volf: So if you have a kind of cultural logic that sets patterns for expressions of joy, but it ends up being segregated joy, how do you break open out of the enclosure? Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies, Yale Divinity School, Founder & Director, Yale Center for Faith & Culture, Defining joyan act of resistance against despair, "Resisting all the ways in which life can be strangled and presented to us as not worth living", Making productive use of pain, suffering, and the absurdtaking them serious. The church, the hospital room, the barber shop and beauty shopsthings are going to be better". We owe it to ourselves to actively cultivate it as part of our political practice." . I could not help but hear Nehemiah encourage his people to rebuild by saying that the joy of the Lord is your strength when they were being oppressed by a brutal and ruthless power. If you're in a position to support our show financially, please consider partnering with us. That feeling is the perfect combination of knowledge, experience, skill, luck, and magic called Fundraising. That's why the narrator is able to say of this third Ofglen, "of course she is" Ofglen. This episode featured theologians, Willie Jennings and Miroslav Volf. Founded by Ingrid Fetell Lee, we celebrate the power to create a happier, healthier world through design. As I stood amid a sea of mostly young black faces at New Revelation Baptist, I found myself seeking my own new revelation by asking hard questions about what has become a dangerously mundane ritual around young black bodies. Willie Jennings: Public rituals bound to real space. Joy - An Act of Resistance (Podcast Episode 2019) Quotes on IMDb: Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, TV series and more. Willie Jennings: Well, practically you have to have people who you've heard sing those songs in strange lands. This joy cannot and will not be robbed from Autistic kids of color. To me she was the embodiment of my existence as resistance. I am printing this post in order to keep the many good points at hand. (More on this form of joyful activism here.). Nurtured by centuries of spiritual practices both in Africa and here in America, this a bold and prophetic act of resistance and defiance of a demonic force that seeks to kill you and to snuff out your joy. Henri Nouwen" 3. And it's commercialized. We'd invite you to bring that same joy in supporting this work. "I write for those women who do not speak, for those who do not have a voice because they were so terrified, because we are taught to respect fear more than ourselves. Miroslav Volf: Thank you very much, Professor Jennings. This is great! It cannot., Humanism is the only - I would go so far as saying the final- resistance we have against the inhuman practices and injustices that disfigure human history., People don't resist change. Communal joy provides a kind of glue that unifies a group. He had a way of speaking that made you feel like magic. But when you see mounds of hot pink trash bags piled on a curb, it offers a striking, yet not aggressive, reminder to be less wasteful. This year the theme is resistance. They work tirelessly to defend the rights and safety of sex workers in downtown Bogot and the broader LGBTQAI community who suffer not only from social stigma but also police brutality. It is one the things that makes us truly human. Let us know what you're interested in. Growing up in the 90s, they were really my first exposure to feminism (lite) with the idea of Girl Power and that women could do anything despite what others thought or expected. Somehow, by some great miracle, we followed his mothers lead, and it just happened. But strong and destructive, too. And something else, I think to myself. P.S. Photo by Maria Baranova. As I began to slip in the depths of my own sorrow and yield to the temptation to surrender my heart to the dreadfully stark nihilism in this ritual around black bodies, I looked up and saw Dariuss mother, Rishawna Myricks. Lee's grandaughter, Dione Sims, who is also a civil rights advocate, has been helping her in the . Willie Jennings: Despair and all of the ways that despair wants to drive us toward death, and wants to make death the final word. For more information, visit us online at And I do think that deciding to have joy is an act of resistance. But fundamentally, that is built uponand I never want to draw too sharp a distinction between other kinds of spaces and that geographic spacewe really should start to attend to where do we find joy, where do we find joy. I get to have all that no matter how ugly things look. Sydney, a founding member of EL Education's Student Advisory Council, makes the impossible seem possible daily by using Black joy as an act of Black Resistance. Now, obviously we're talking beyond a kind of cultural tourism or kind of theological tourism. "The path of least resistance is what makes rivers run crooked." - Elbert Hubbard. Thanks so much for sharing. A funeral is held. Austin Channing Brown Apr 26, 2020 20 "Joy is an act of resistance." - Toi Derricotte The whole idea of oppression is to keep people down. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. 13. I am not suggesting here that joy will always be present in times of mourning. For me, the work of an organization like Publicolor, which paints neglected New York City schools with vibrant colors, restores abundance to a place where this false scarcity has been imposed. And not every church I've been is a space of joy. On the other hand, the novel shows that even in her fearful passivity, Offred does manage to resist her oppressors in the small ways that are available to her. "I look at joy as an act of resistance against despair and its forces. Black joy is also important for representation. $grfb.init.done(function() { It takes something for joy to be brought forth, and I love that youre standing from this viewpoint. Featured peformers: Joe Talbot (vocals), Mark Bowen (guitar), Lee Kiernan (guitar), Adam Devonshire (bass), Jon Beavis (drums), Space (producer), Adam Greenspan (mixing), Nick Launay (mixing). This is not what they imagined. I never saw anyone take so much crap due to her love for and commitment to women and girls as Kathleen. Absolutely that. Without that belief, theres no point in fighting. If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again., We live in capitalism. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? People who refuse to come to earth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Aesthetics of Joy is a resource for finding more joy in life and work backed by scientific research. Three weeks ago today, on Friday June 9, hundreds of family members, friends, and well wishers packed into the New Revelation Baptist Church to pay their last respects to Darius Smith, a 15-year-old child who was killed by an off-duty customs agent in Arcadia, California. And lastly, joy provides a glimpse of a better future that keeps us motivated to work toward it. She lives in my native and beloved city of Bogot, Colombia, where she divides her time between teaching and working for an amazing nonprofit, PARCES. People who love in a world without walls, people who love into hate, into refusal, against hope, and without fear. Check out our joy act resistance selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. This is the joy of resistance. Things arent perfect, but these bold women are responsible for a lot of change in thought around girls and women what they are capable of, their value, their position, etc. Two . ", The commercialization of joy in the empire of advertisingcontrasting that with the peoples serious work of joy, The work and skill of making something beautiful out of what has been thrown away, Segregated joyjoy in African diaspora communities, Joy is always embedded in community logics, Geographies of joy: Christians tend not to think spatially, but we should, Hoping for joyous infection, where the space has claimed you as its own, Where can joy be found? The ones that your heart recognizes in the light & in the dark. 1. Within the imperialist white supremacist capitalist cis-heteropatriarchy, we generate joy by defying dominator culture. So the cultural haunts and habitat of a people, this is where their joy is made known. We cannot simply say we ought to have a joy that we have it together, but no one wants to think about where are our bodies in space, and how was spaces configured. As you can probably tell, now I don't spend much time in barbershops anymore, but back in the day when I used to spend time in barbershopsbarbershops and beauty shops are really interesting, especially in black communities, because they can be in ways that are, as I like to say, profound realities of indirection and they can be spaces of incredible joy. "Peace without justice is tyranny." - William Allen White. Ms. Reid had little patience for trading insults with Pastor Mark Burns, a frequent defender of President Trump, when he was a guest on her show last month. You've come into a space that is not your own, and in some ways that space has claimed you as its own. Yet even the smallest kernel of it can move nations. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email. It requires you to choose it from a sea of other options. This week, with one year to go until the next U.S. presidential election, it seemed a good time to dig in and share a kind of blueprint for the intentional use of joy to foster change. This is joy for our time. "We must risk delight. Now that feels a bit closer to home in this era, a desire for something long ago, far away, about to be. 8. It counters and contrasts with the rigidity and control of oppressive structures in a non-violent way. //]]>. Evan Rosa: For the Life of the World is a production of the Yale Center for Faith & Culture at Yale Divinity School. Brutalism Tracklist T-Shirt. There were incredible women like Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth before the end of Slavery, the women making lunches and marching during the Civil Rights Movement, and the women of the Black Panthers supporting the social programs and keeping the organization running. I met Jack Gilbert a couple of times. Resistance is the secret of joy wrote Alice Walker in her 1992 novel, Possessing the Secret of Joy Walker. And death in this regard is not simply the end of life, but it's death in all its signatures: death, violence, war, debtall the ways in which life can be strangled, and presented to us as not worth living. And we know thatand my own experience in churches is that that's often what happens, a kind of infection of joy. 4. Even in the rebellious punk rock subculture, misogyny was rampant. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Resistance is when I put an end to what I don't like. Its power seems inescapable. How was she coping? We understand that. a piece on the power of the garden at Rikers Island. Joy is an act of resistance. Its almost a platitude in the Trump era, visible across Instagram on embroidered banners and fine calligraphy, on t-shirts and tote bags. The whole community sits down to enjoy the feast, with even the lowest-ranking chimps getting to enjoy the treat. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. And when the horse drawn carriage with the bullet riddled body of her slain son passed by, someone from the family in the slowly driven car behind the carriage once again did something that I did not expect. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Movies. It goes against everything that racism was designed to do. Her mother said, "There's always a sunrise and always a sunset and it's up to you to choose to be there for it. Their music and message empowered my girlfriends and me to feel that we were enough, without needing boyfriends or to look and act a certain way. I see the outcome of their efforts now that Im older. The New York Times recently did a piece on the power of the garden at Rikers Island, which is managed by inmates. "Our joy in itself is an act of . Holocaust survivor and author Elie Wiesel described a memory of a fellow prisoner trading a ration of bread for materials with which to piece together a makeshift menorah during Hanukkah. Albert Einstein A thing of beauty is a joy forever: its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness. Women like Emma Watson, Malala and Beyonc (who thankfully introduced so many people to the amazing Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie) are empowering young women through their speeches, actions and music and providing a gateway to larger feminist and social justice movements. You have to have people who can show you how to sing a song in a strand land, laugh where all you want to do is cry, and how to ride the winds of chaos. Football coaches, mentors, family members and friends told story after story of how this young man had made a positive impact on their lives and how devastated they were to lose him. Sensory joy is a form of care that contrasts with traumatic circumstances and helps cultivate the resilience needed to counter oppression. PTKF2158-5. 3. Not enjoyment. When I think about the question, Is it ok to feel joyful while the world is (literally) on fire, while babies are in cages and glaciers are crumbling and billionaires stand by self-righteously counting their billions, I come back to Jack Gilbert. From the likes of Ari Up and Poly Styrene, who didnt sing about obtaining male affection or rely on stereotypical concepts of female self-worth, to outrageously hyper-sexualized women like Wendy O. Williams and Marian Anderson, who recaptured ownership of their bodies, these women were bold, outspoken, and as the kids say nowadays, woke. They have always looked out for the marginalized and supported them in how to equalize themselves and not victimize themselves. The language of oppression is one of scarcity and fear, and I think to some extent, the activists goal must be to remind those who have been convinced that progress is a losing game for them that there is in fact enough to go around. In a world full of turmoil, remember that joy is an act of resistance! But there's also another side, not only to just African diaspora forms of joy, but the joy in many communities. Quote Joy is an act of resistance. Round your celebration out by listening to your favorite R&B, Rock, or Country song knowing that those genres were derived from the melodious sounds of Jazz. But what does it mean when you're at some place where the world's trash comes to you and out of that trash, you have to do something. It's our joy to bring these shows to you. We know the ritual all too well. Hallie Brignall, Annual Fund Manager C.S. "Black women have been conditioned to live for other people. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.". Every morning, you wake up, and your mind tells you it's too early, and your body tells you you're a little too sore, but you've got to look deep within yourself and know what you want and what you're striving for." So, simply put, joy can be considered resistance because its a form of energy for change, as Lorde puts it. Willie Jennings: I think this is really important for us. Sometimes people in the coffee shop offer to help me out, even though I tell them they dont have to, but when they do help I say to them, Hey, on fried chicken day, I got you.. If someone puts their hands on anybody else again., we live, and.! Side, not only to just African diaspora forms of joy, but not delight an emotional and physical... Marginalized individuals and communities looked out for the life of the world is a form care! 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