Besides the fact that so many of the church's most high-profile members have long been subject to gossipy speculation of being gayto name a few: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Will Smiththe Church is now going to have to (A) take a stance on homosexuality, (B) come out against Haggis, one of the most revered, successful writer-directors of the last decade, or (C) stay quiet and look even sketchier than they already did after Tommy Davis blew up on national television earlier this weekend. Good on you Paul Haggis! He created the acclaimed, if short-lived, CBS series EZ Streets which the New York Times cited as one of the most influential shows of all time, noting, that without it there would be no Sopranos.. "the same face that denied the policy of disconnection". Check out the website included. Oct. 26 2009, Published 3:30 p.m. Some are to just whip through earth time and get to the end. This totally illogical crazy cult needs to be exposed and let to die a quick and very public death as soon as possible. We do not "disconnect" from family or friends who are gay. Paul Haggis has had enough of Xenu, it seems, as PopEater reports the Oscar-winning director wrote a letter of resignation to the Church of Scientology . We all know this policy exists. Haggis reiterated a whopper of a lie he told in 2009 to the media that he left the Church in a dispute over LGBTQ rights. I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. But Haggis' most well-known letter was the one that he wrote to Davis to announce his departure from the Church. The church doesn't do that," he said. In that first conversation, back at the end of October of last year, you told me you were horrified, that you would get to the bottom of it and "heads would roll." In his resignation letter, Haggis said, "We all know this policy exists." Haggis reminded Davis that a few years earlier his wife had been ordered to disconnect from her parents, "because. But I read the article and most of the comments (my apolgies to the last 1/4 of responders--it just went on for so long, and understandably so! I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. We all know this policy exists. Even that, you decided not to publish. Doing good works, from a Christian perspective, is to be done anonymously, according to the Bible - with no fan fare, no pats on the back.. nothing. It is still hard for me to believe. informative resignation letter template that requires the basic details of the employee and check box the option of relocation as the reason of resignation Expat Dating in Germany chatting and dating Front page DE . The Catholic church is GROWING. By The Associated Press. After all, when Haggis was accused of rape and sexual assault by four women in January 2018, Leah Remini publicly came to her fellow anti-Scientologists defense and victim-shamed his accusers. I carefully read all of your rebuttals, I watched every video where you presented the church's position, I listened to all your arguments ever word. Our Catechism based belief in the sanctity of marriage between one man and woman, has nothing to do with homophobia; it instead elevates the preservation of the foundation of society-- the nuclear family. I have to believe that if they knew what I now know, they too would be horrified. While I am no great believer in resumes and awards, this is what you would have discovered: * Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice, - sponsoring schools, an orphanage and a childrens hospital in the slums of Haiti * Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project - marketing the work of artisans from the poorest countries in the world, * Board Member, Office of The Americas - supporting peace and justice initiatives around the world * Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence * Member and active supporter, Amnesty International * Member, Presidents Council, Defenders of Wildlife * Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg * Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union * Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus * Member and supporter, Equality For All * Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) for the children of the slums of Haiti * Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights * Patron with Honors, IAS And formerly: * Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust * Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project * Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child supporting art and music in public schools * Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute - supporting Human Rights in Central America * Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association * Fundraiser, El Rescate Human Rights for El Salvador * Fundraiser, PAVA Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala. That's the trouble with sending lay people around to collect money for the Church - they totally misrepresented the building of St Peter's by adding their own 'Donate to the fund and get to Heaven'; that was not sanctioned by the Church. Haggis views the church's actions as "cowardly," and thus, after thirty-five years of membership, is resigning. "Unlike the rest of my former friends, she expressed real sadness that I was . She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? I can fully understand why some would want to leave a retrograde Church (and many of its undesirable or ludicrous elements) and still want to Keep the Faith. Breest will not look the other way any longer.". Same thing in Scientology. A judge ruled on Friday that director Paul Haggis will be allowed to argue at his upcoming civil trial that the Church of Scientology is behind a rape allegation against him. Is this Jonestown 2 in the making? "The church's refusal to denounce the action of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly," Haggis wrote. "I can't . And theyve never molested children either I suppose; tithing used to be more than just a suggestion "(Christians) use confessionals to extort money." mithoff I've read the whole thread up to this point, and just wanna say, I'm a huge fan of you! At the time of Larrys article and book I withheld the fact that Marty had reached out to me by email.I withheld that information from Larry Wright. Not that Larry Wright would have cared: Paul Haggis served his purpose for Wright, who did no fact checking. He also said he hoped it would "open the eyes" of those still with the church and help them "get out.". Scientology's Danny Masterson DOES NOT GET ACQUITTED. When asked what went wrong with Glenn Gallagher, Portland's Church of Scientology representatives said, "Glenn who? There's a huge difference between homo-intolerant and homophobia. I find it amazing how a person will talk about 'tolerance' and then talk down other groups from 'other religions'. Marty hopes that the author of the letter will understand that by publishing the letter we mean no disrespect. I noticed. "I can think of no other word. And when I pictured you assuring me that it is all lies, that this is nothing but an unfounded and vicious attack by a group of disgruntled employees, I am afraid that I saw the same face that looked in the camera and denied the policy of disconnection. In a resignation letter. Haggis, who is also the co-founder of Artists for Peace and Justice, has since been very vocal on his thoughts of Scientology. Internationally, he is renowned for a number of film achievements. The bottom line is this: this is bad, bad news for the Church. This is a lovely retired couple, never said a negative word about Scientology to me or anyone else I know hardly raving maniacs or enemies of the church. At some point it became evident that you did not value my concerns about the church's tacit support of an amendment that violated the civil rights of so many of our citizens. Not that any of that would matter to Leah Remini, who featured Paul Haggis and his discredited, false narrative on Aftermath three months later. Better type something else nasty before they come and put you back in the straight jacket. However, I have finally come to the conclusion that I can no longer be a part of this group. The director's former publicist, Haleigh Breest, said he raped her in December 2013, which led to a $9 million lawsuit against the "Crash" director. I look forward to a break-away group and reform from and within Scientology. - marketing the work of artisans from the poorest countries in the world, All religions lead to spiritual enlightenment. Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. And I have always had a thing for underdogs. *Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement She ran the entire celebrity center network, and was a loyal senior executive of the church for what, 20 years? "I joined the Church of Scientology 35 years ago," Haggis writes. I have never pretended to be the best Scientologist, but I openly and vigorously defended the church whenever it was criticized, as I railed against the kind of intolerance that I believed was directed against it. in the first place? Please reread the letter. For a year and a half, despite her protestations, my wife did not speak to her parents and they had limited access to their grandchild. "He wanted the church to take an active stance on a political issue, which we don't do. I refuse to consent. Thank you for your courage despite the personal pain it may cause you. Discover what people really say about all things Scientology. In 2009, Mr. Haggis left the Church of Scientology over its support of Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage passed by California voters and later overturned. The Catholic church is consistent, and failures in society do not change truth. Then maybe it's "make sure the zoning law gets passed so the church can continue its work" or "donate $$$ or host a fund raiser so the church can do ____". It's a policy that's been well documented in the press, but especially by the reporting done by the St. Petersburg Times, who've chronicled many members who were once forced to "disconnect" people from their lives. suppressive Haggis' publicist, Ziggy Kozlowski, confirmed to today that the letter posted on Friday was indeed written by the director in August. And I felt sick. Do we all have to risk getting kicked out to get ethics in on DM and others who are enforcing his tyranny? Haggis claimed that he was unhappy with the fact the Church would not take a stand, because two of his daughters are gay, and thus he independently reviewed negative articles on the Internet about the Church and decided to leave. But they would MAKE you pay by saying if you didn't you wouldn't go through the pearly gates. * Board Member, Office of The Americas Sad. events * Patron with Honors, IAS Then comes another bomb: Haggis' wife cut off contact with her parents when they defected from the church. Paul Edward Haggis, writer, director, producer (born 10 Mar 1953 in London, Ontario). In fact it was they who introduced my wife to Scientology. I hereby resign my membership in the Church of Scientology.". I am only ashamed that I waited this many months to act. Paul Edward Haggis was born on March 10, 1953 in London, Ontario, Canada. To win at any cost, costs a lot. Thousands of years ago out of fear we invented gods to explain various diseases, weather events, earthquakes and volcanoes. I got out form the S.O. Shocking, unbiased consumer reviews covering every Scientology book, lecture, course, auditing level, organization and program more than 300 in all. What a tragedy to see current and/or former members of CoS wasting decades of their lives (ironic to see how much they detest the LDS church, given they both exist because of the teachings of a modern-day man). An opportunist who describes himself as a "bullying selfish prick" and who cheated on his former wife with dozens of women, Haggis was sued for rape in December of 2017 and arrested for . As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. Haggis' false story served as the opening anecdote and linchpin for a 2011 article in The New Yorker by anti-Scientology author Lawrence Wright, and Wright's subsequent book. abuse November 10, 2022, 1:55 PM. Both sides would be agog, so who knows if it will happen, but such dynamics are seldom as simple as some of these posts. Mr. Haggis does condemn the CoS for casting its lot "alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear," but I do not read anywhere that this includes all of Christianity. resignation from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter, Haggis spoke on her departure in a letter, calling her exit "brave. Writer: Crash. In order to contain a potential PR flap you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. Historical facts are still facts, change - sometimes to the better - is also a fact of human civilization. And that is when I read the recent articles in the St. Petersburg Times. Haggis directorial follow-up to Crash was In the Valley of Elah which he wrote, directed, and produced, for Warner Independent Pictures. Haggis isn't the first celebrity from the Church of Scientology to break with the faith. * Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association I am/was Catholic and I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but they did extort. (Introduction to Scientology Ethics;Ch 12 The Scientology Justice Codes and Their Application). Representatives for Remini did not immediately return Insider's request for comment. The Hired guns of Scientology Academic and "experts" paid good money to puff and influence, Scientology trial ~ The 5 crucial points of Danny Mastersons court case, Tom Cruise Complicit In Scientologist Abuse, Scientology is approaching critical mass, 2 criminal cases, 3 civil law suits, all next month, Taking on Scientology in the law courts - with Karen De La Carriere, Scientology poster Boy Tom Cruise and strangest SCN CULT BROMANCE, Miscavige and Cruise - part 2/2, Tom Cruise BILLION DOLLAR shill for the Scientology cult: Look at ME ME ME, The tyrant L. Ron Hubbard & his Sea Organization slaves - with Karen De La Carriere, Valeska Paris, Freewinds "Cruise ship" prisoner for 12 years TRAFFICKING law suit against the CULT, Ron Miscavige and Karen discuss the Scientology misuse of POWER. Mike Rinder could certainly spin a lot more convincingly. The organization says Wednesday that Haggis' resignation was accepted on Jan 4, one day before The Associated Press published accounts from three women alleging sexual misconduct by the. ", "I am now painfully aware that you might see this an attack and just as easily use things I have confessed over the years to smear my name. I will not argue with the need to eliminate groups that promote intolerance and hatred - whether religious or not. Despite all the churchs words about promoting freedom and human rights, its name is now in the public record alongside those who promote bigotry and intolerance, homophobia and fear. * Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child HBO In the wake of Remini's break from Scientology, Haggis wrote an open letter. *Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association Abandoned dissemination programs. But I don't think that redefining 'marriage' to mean something else is the answer. How are things in the rubber room? I had my disagreements, but I dealt with them internally. NEW YORK Disputing allegations in a rape lawsuit, Oscar-winning filmmaker Paul Haggis testified Thursday that his accuser sometimes seemed "conflicted" during their initial . It's the same sad stories all over again. Contributed to Lisa McPherson's demise. This is why I'm not affiliated with any religion, which is my personal decision. ", "The great majority of Scientologists I know are good people who are genuinely interested in improving conditions on this planet and helping others. The nuns distorted Church history and never taught the Church's abuses. No matter what I say as a spiritual leader, it is always tested against what I actually do or if it truly of benefit. Haggis said he wrote the letter so the world at large would know he had left the religion and so that others wouldn't be recruited to join Scientology based on his involvement. reverse And in it I saw you deny the church's policy of disconnection. Screenwriter Paul Haggis is a living lie. has to & must be ended as quickly has possible. As you know, for ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego. . Now, Oscar-winning Crash director Paul Haggis' public resignation from Scientology has leaked. Furthermore, Haggis saw Davis' interview on CNN, when Davis denied the existence of a "disconnection" policy in which the church orders members to cut non-members out of their lives, as they pose some kind of negative threat towards the work of the church in members' lives. abuses But they didnt. And it also doesn't help them that Church defector Marty Rathburn has apparently confirmed the letter's legitimacy as definitely coming from Haggis. In order to contain a potential "PR flap" you allowed our sponsorship of Proposition 8 to stand. I'm a bit of an interloper, since I only happened upon this site accidentally via the "images of Paul Haggis" dealie. Once Haggis admitted that he lied about his story, he had no credibility. Two Weapon Fighting Attack Of Opportunity Penalty. Haggis wrote that he had for months tried without success to have the church publicly denounce its San Diego chapter for its support of Proposition 8, the legislation to ban gay marriage in California. Friends, she expressed real sadness that I can no longer be a part of group. By saying if you did n't you would n't go through the pearly gates 20 years but.. `` * Signis Award, Venezia, world Catholic Association Abandoned dissemination programs order contain! N'T think that redefining 'marriage ' to mean something else is the answer risk getting kicked out get... Straight jacket back in the St. Petersburg Times of disconnection this totally illogical crazy needs. 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